What is a viewing session?


I wanted to give you a sneak peek into my viewing session that is the 3rd step of my photo experience. I’m always REALLY nervous about situations I have no idea what is going to happen, so if you’re like me then hopefully I can put your mind at ease!

There are 4 parts to all of my family’s photo experience. The third step is a viewing session.

So what exactly is a viewing session?

my photo experience

After your photos are edited and ready to go, we have your viewing session. Best case scenario we schedule a viewing session while we schedule everything else. The viewing session usually happens one week or so after your photo session. During busy season it can take a tad longer.

WHERE? At your house
WHAT DO I BRING? My laptop with a slideshow of your photos and my software I use to show you your photos on your walls (or a digitally mock-up of an album if that’s what you want instead). I also bring the products you said you were most interested in for your wall gallery.


We start the viewing session with a slideshow. One or two times? It’s up to you!

Secondly, you rate your photos. There are only two ratings, Xs or CHECKS.

Next, you compare your similar images. I suggest comparing all the sibling photos, mom and dad together, etc.

The whole point of what has happened up to this point is so that you can narrow the choices down to your most favorite photo.

Lastly, you view the pre-designed wall galleries (or albums).

Remember that photo I took of your wall? Remember that gallery that you said you liked the best? Remember the price that you knew for the gallery? All of that took place during the pre-planning session. View details of the pre-planning meeting if you missed it here!

Now you are just virtually viewing your actual photos on your mock up wall. You can change the arrangement, orientation, and sizes. You can swap out photos for your favorite.

The whole part of the viewing session is to find a home for all your favorite photos. I want you to have all your favorite photos out in the open for you and your family to enjoy them….not forgotten on some hard drive.

See your photos in your home helps you love and appreciate those closest in your life better. We all need a little more of that in our lives?

Location: Prairie Creek Park in Richardson Texas.