Finding the right size for your wall

I’ve mentioned before about some of the mistakes in hanging art on the wall. One of the biggest and most frequent I see is choosing the 8x10 size and hanging it on a gigantic wall. Here are some visuals to see the common sizes and how they look on a pretty standard size wall. So if you’re dealing with an even bigger wall, then you might need to go bigger or go with several wall art pieces to make the gallery complete. If you’d like a custom design for your specific wall I can do that! So instead of seeing this person’s random living room you’d see your own with your own photos you’re considering putting on the wall sized to show you the best size for that space. Scroll to the bottom to see how to get that started!

Did you miss my 4 biggest mistakes in hanging wall art? See them here!

How to photograph your walls for a custom design

Photographing_Your_Walls_PDF (1).jpg

Once you have that photo you can email the photo to me at